====== Project Idorus ====== [[:|Projects index]] ===== Details ===== * Current version: 0.0.1build23, published on July 5th 2008 * Released under a [[http://www.linfo.org/bsdlicense.html|Two-clause BSD license]] * Requires at least [[http://java.sun.com|Java]] v6 ===== Description ===== Idorus is a wrapper around wget, curl (other http downloaders can easily be added) to download multiple files in parallel; it simply invokes the chosen downloader (up to a configurable number of simultaneous sessions)for each passed URL with the provided command-line arguments. This is a pre-release, some parts are pretty rough but the basic functionality is there. By default wget will be used (will be configurable in the future), a java property can be set to use curl (or a custom downloader). By design, Idorus takes no command-line arguments (everything in the command-line will be passed verbatim in each downloader invocation), any configurable options can be defined from the command-line by use of Java properties, though. Currently recognised properties are: * ''backend'': Chooses with downloader to use * ''threads'': Sets the maximum number of files to download simultaneously (when one of them completes a new one is started if some are remaining) * ''_path'': (Not really needed anymore, will ask automatically ---only once--- if required) Sets the path of the downloader executable. Note (nbsp)Idorus is built on top of [[pluggablejs]] so it they both must be downloaded; to ease usage I'm also publishing a jar file containing both. ===== Usage ===== For these examples I'll be using the full Java command-line, a wrapper will be provided in future releases. * Default settings (use wget and 4 simultaneous downloads)\\ $ java -jar idorus.jar http://someurl1 http://someurl2 http://someurl3 http://someurl4 http://someurl5 * Use curl and download two files simultaneously at most\\ $ java -Dbackend=curl -Dthreads=2 -jar idorus.jar http://someurl1 http://someurl2 http://someurl3 http://someurl4 http://someurl5 * Get a list of backends\\ $ java -Dbackend=? -jar idorus.jar * Get a list of backends and the plugin file from where each is loaded\\ $ java -Dbackend?? -jar idorus.jar ===== Download ===== This is a pre-release, expect some unpolished edges. * Binary jar, including requirements * [[/files/idorus/idorus-0.0.1build23-rel.jar|idorus-0.0.1build23-rel.jar]] * Debian binary package * [[deb>files/idorus/idorus_0.0.1build23-upstream.0_all.deb|idorus_0.0.1build23-upstream.0_all.deb]] + [[deb>files/pluggablejs/libpluggablejs-java_1.1.1build36-upstream.0_all.deb|pluggablejs deb]] * Binary jar, separate pluggablejs * [[/files/idorus/idorus-0.0.1build23.jar|idorus-0.0.1build23.jar]] + [[/files/pluggablejs/pluggablejs-1.1.1build36.jar|pluggablejs jar]] * Source jar * [[/files/idorus-0.0.1build23-src.jar|idorus-0.0.1build23-src.jar]] ---- //(c) 2008 Toni Corvera //