This is an old revision of the document!

List of known bugs and requested features


  • The IDs in this list are only used for internal reference in this wiki.
    • They aren't fully consecutive, the first half is bumped with each release (minors, not micro, in accordance with the revised numbering), the second half re-starts at 1 with each release and increases with each bug reported/found.
  • Since I use no formal bugtracking system some older bugs will be missing.
ID Type Status Version1) Submitter Date Description
#1010 FEAT OPEN 1.0.100a - - Accept percentages in --from and --to.
#1009 FEAT SVNFIXED 1.0.100a - - Accept percentages as height.
#0907 FEAT SVNFIXED 1.0.100a - - Tag feedback when colour is not available.
#0906 FEAT SVNFIXED 1.0.100a - - Colourised console output doesn't work on FreeBSD.
#1008 BUG SVNFIXED 1.0.100a - 2010-02-26 Timestamps font is not used.
#1007 FEAT SVNFIXED 1.0.100a - 2010-02-25 Drop sed -r/sed -E detection. Replaced by awk.
#1006 BUG SVNFIXED 1.0.100a - 2010-02-25 In-file aspect ratio is ignored
#1005 BUG OPEN 1.0.100a - 2010-02-25 Heading bleeds into left side of contact sheet when title is too long for width
#0004 BUG OPEN 1.0a - - Meta-information gets overlapped with small contact sheet
#0806 BUG WIP 1.0.12 various - Failure to get last capture, specially in WMVs.
#0305 FEAT WIP - - - Should honour system fonts ($ convert -list font); should pick better and fall back as required
#1004 BUG SVNFIXED 1.0.100a - 2010-02-24 Italics/unstyled font in timestamps is inconsistent across different systems
#1003 BUG SVNFIXED 1.0.100a - 2010-02-23 -t doesn't accept the usual timecode format
#1002 BUG SVNFIXED 1.0.100a - 2010-02-22 Passing ms to mplayer, although ignored, might fail on the last frame capture
#1001 BUG MUSTREPR 1.0.100a Tomasz Strózik 2009-12-15 Running vcs from a find … -exec fails on WMVs, but the same command-line works from the shell
* GNU find at least runs the command for each argument (instead of a single execution)
#0905 FEAT SVNFIXED - - - Drop seq/jot.
#0904 FEAT WIP - - 2009-16-03 Add profiles support
   * (2010-02-22) Merge with funky modes?
#0901 SVNFIXED WIP - - - Support FreeBSD. Experimental support in place since 1.0.100a, still not on par with Linux. See posix
#0610 FEAT SVNFIXED - - - Reject older versions of bash.
#0503 FEAT WIP - Peter Berends 2007-06-04 Support ISOs. Worked with some. 1.0.99 introduced official experimental support through the DVD mode.
#0504 FEAT WIP - - 2007-06-05 DVD Support. Initial experimental support added in 1.0.99
#0607 FEAT OPEN - Phil Grundig 2008-02-10 Add transcode as a possible capturer. See transcode.
#0606 FEAT SVNFIXED - Phil Grundig 2008-02-02 Drop bc in favor of awk or perl
#0605 BUG NOTREPR 1.0.10 Phil Grundig 2008-02-02 mplayer (1.0pre8cvs) prints minutes as hours in the thumbnails
#0604 BUG MUSTREPR 1.0.10 Phil Grundig 2008-02-02 ffmpeg (CVS-060515) can't take file names with spaces
#0513 FEAT ? 1.0.9a Daniel 2007-07-14 Optionally disable fancyness.
#0513.2 FEAT OPEN 1.0.9a Daniel 2007-07-14 Optionally disable padding.
#0002 FEAT SVNFIXED 1.0 - - Allow setting output filename
#0515 FEAT OPEN 2) 1.0.9a Daniel 2007-07-14 Allow review of screenshots before composing.
#0002 FEAT OPEN 1.0a - - Image-input mode.
#0309 FEAT SVNFIXED 1.0.4b - - Make FFmpeg optional. Initially discarded since it usually worked better than mplayer. Current vcs fares better.
#0516 FEAT OPEN 1.0.9a - - Allow manually setting padding.
#0517 FEAT OPEN 1.0.9a Dougn Redhammer 2007-07-10 Allow setting text outlines (IM's -stroke/-strokewidth).
#0519 BUG OPEN 1.0.9a Dougn Redhammer 2007-07-10 Setting font too big cut text of meta-information and footer.
#0405 BUG OPEN 1.0.6b - - Filenames in non-latin scripts get printed incorrectly. Workaround introduced in 1.0.7a, needs more work
#0408 3) BUG MUSTREPR 1.0.6b - - Fails on some files (gets stuck forever while capturing the first frame). Happens often with Matroska. 1.0.7a introduced a workaround (-Wo) with ffmpeg's argument order that worked with other file types.
#0903 BUG FIXED 1.0.99 - - Required programs should be checked before going further. Fixed in 1.0.100a
#0902 BUG FIXED 1.0.99 - - VCS fails if tput can't change colours. Fixed in 1.0.100a
#0807 BUG FIXED 1.0.12 - - Number of audio channels = 0. Appears to happen in non-x86 systems. Workaround since 1.0.99. Otherwise use ia32 mplayer (i.e. only amd64 and i386 have an extra chance to fix this)
#0805 FEAT FIXED 1.0.12 - - Fallback to ffmpeg if appropriate to better detect media features. Added in 1.0.99
#0506 BUG FIXED 1.0.12 Aleksandar Urošević 2007-06-11 Polaroid mode overlaps all images in the same position. Formerly unreproducible. Fixed in 1.0.99
#0804 FEAT FIXED 1.0.12 - - Adjust timestamp size with smaller captures. Fixed in 1.0.99
#0803 BUG FIXED 1.0.12 - - Re-add missing space after filename. Fixed in 1.0.99
#0802 FEAT FIXED 1.0.12 - - Polaroid frame should look more like a polaroid (add extra space to mimic labelling space). Added in 1.0.99
#0801 FEAT FIXED 1.0.12 - - Add support for JPEG2000 output. Added in 1.0.99
#0704 BUG FIXED 1.0.11 - - Parsing of manual timestamps with milliseconds multiplies seconds by 10 when no s character is used. Fixed in 1.0.12
#0703 BUGR FIXED 1.0.11 - - Extra padding added by IM to highlights. Fixed in 1.0.12
#0702 BUG FIXED 1.0.11 - - Incorrect count of captures in manual-only mode (-m). Fixed in 1.0.12
#0701 BUG FIXED 1.0.11 - - Incorrect 0ms timestamps. Fixed in 1.0.12
#0609 4) BUG FIXED 1.0.10 Chris Hills 2008-04-07 Extended-set captures (-e) don't align with standard-set. Fixed in 1.0.11
#0608 BUG FIXED 1.0.10 Chris Hills 2008-04-07 Typo in variable name breaks main mode selection (numcaps/interval) in user config. Fixed in 1.0.11
#0603 BUG FIXED 1.0.10 Phil Grundig 2008-02-02 All-equal captures with mplayer can be avoid with a workaround. Known mplayer issue. Fixed in 1.0.11
#0602 BUG FIXED 1.0.10 Phil Grundig 2008-02-02 Older bash not compatible with the array syntax in use. Fixed in 1.0.11. See bash_support
#0601 BUG FIXED 1.0.10 Phil Grundig 2008-02-02 With mplayer as capturer milliseconds are meaningless. Fixed in 1.0.11
#0515 BUG FIXED 1.0.9a - - Padding needs adjusting. (Believed to be) fixed in 1.0.11, refined further in 1.0.99
#0514 BUG NOTBUG 1.0.9a Daniel 2007-07-14 Manual captures get added to count. Not a bug, but a feature.
#0513.1 FEAT FIXED 1.0.9a Daniel 2007-07-14 Optionally disable shadows. Added in 1.0.10
#0513.3 FEAT WONTFIX 1.0.9a Daniel 2007-07-14 Don't use ms in timestamps. Decoder selection somewhat covers this.
#0512 BUG FIXED 1.0.9a Marco Liguorini 2007-07-09 Failure to cleanup with multiple files leads to clash on temporary files. (Believed to be) Fixed in 1.0.10
#0511 BUG FIXED 1.0.9a Marco Liguorini
Dougn Redhammer
2007-07-09 Wrong captures count with multiple files. Fixed in 1.0.11
#0510 FEAT FIXED 1.0.9a Dougn Redhammer 2007-06-26 Adjust timestamps size to capture size. (Experimentally) added in 1.0.99
#0509 FEAT FIXED 1.0.9a Dougn Redhammer
2007-06-26 Optionally disable timestamps. Added in 1.0.10
#0508 BUG FIXED 1.0.8a - - Aspect ratio guessing fails if height is non-standard. Fixed in 1.0.10
#0507 BUG FIXED 1.0.8a - - Extended mode uses global number of columns. Fixed in 1.0.9a
#0505 BUGR FIXED 1.0.8a Aleksandar Urošević 2007-06-10 Broken extended mode. Fixed in 1.0.9a
#0502 BUG FIXED 1.0.7a Homer S 2007-06-01 -c was ignored when not used with -n. Fixed in 1.0.8a
#0501 BUG FIXED 1.0.7a Dougn Redhammer 2007-05-30 Right side of header ignored user-set colour. Fixed in 1.0.8a
#0407 BUG FIXED 1.0.6b - - Requested colours are not used. Fixed in 1.0.7a
#0406 FEAT FIXED 1.0.6b - - Allow disabling “created by” line. Added in 1.0.7a
#0405 FEAT FIXED 1.0.6b - - Support ms in time strings. Added in 1.0.7a
#0404 BUG FIXED 1.0.6b - - Accepted interval characters regex is too loose. Fixed in 1.0.7a
#0403 BUG FIXED 1.0.6b - - Console colours are printed to the wrong channel. Fixed in 1.0.7a
#0402 BUG FIXED 1.0.6b - - safe_rename() assumes current dir. mv requires --. Fixed in 1.0.7a
#0401 BUG FIXED 1.0.5b o kapi 2007-04-21 tempfile is not portable. Use mktemp instead. Fixed in 1.0.6b
#0309 FEAT WONTFIX 1.0.4b - - Discard mplayer as a capturer. It's commonplace and preferable in some cases.
#0308 FEAT FIXED 1.0.4b - - Allow command-line overrides (changing internal variables from the command-line). Added in 1.0.5b
#0307 FEAT FIXED 1.0.4b - - Add extra set of captures. Extended mode added in 1.0.5b
#0306 FEAT FIXED 1.0.4b - - Allow highlighting individual captures. Highlight mode added in 1.0.5b
#0304 BUG FIXED 1.0.4b - - -n0 shouldn't be accepted. Fixed in 1.0.5b
#0303 FEAT FIXED 1.0.4b - - Quiet mode. Added in 1.0.5b
#0302 BUGR FIXED 1.0.4b - - Handle interval longer than video. Fixed in 1.0.5b
#0301 FEAT FIXED 1.0.4b - - Print all failed requirements. Added in 1.0.5b
#0205 FEAT FIXED 1.0.3b - - Support for per-dir and system-wide config files. Added in 1.0.4b
#0204 BUG FIXED 1.0.3b - - Incorrect error-checking of tempdir creation. Fixed in 1.0.4b
#0203 BUG FIXED 1.0.3b Alon Levy 2007-04-14 Temporary files are put in $PWD. Might fail with virtual file systems like sshfs. Fixed in 1.0.4b
#0202 BUG FIXED 1.0.3b - - Incorrect number of captures printed to console. Fixed in 1.0.4b
#0201 BUG FIXED 1.0.2b - - Full path being printed in heading. Fixed in 1.0.3b
#0102 BUF FIXED 1.0.1a - - Temporary files are not removed when interrupted. Fixed in 1.0.2b
#0101 BUGR FIXED 1.0.1a - - Broken program signature. Fixed in 1.0.2b
#0005 FEAT WONTFIX 1.0a - - Allow overriding default command-line. The configuration/overrides system is superior although less compact.
#0003 FEAT FIXED 1.0a - - Allow more complex human readable timestamps (e.g. 4m30s). Added in 1.0.1a
#0001 BUG FIXED 1.0a - - Timestamps can be repeated. Fixed in 1.0.1a


ALL Applicable to all versions
BUGR Regression bug
FIXED Fixed/Added
FEAT Feature request
MUSTREPR Not yet reproduced (but expected to be reproducible)
NOTBUG Reported as bug, but actually a feature or trait of vcs
NOTREPR Can't reproduce
OPEN Open bug/pending implementation
SVNFIXED Fixed/Added in the next (unreleased) version 5)
WIP Work in progress

This is the current version as of the bug reporting
Probably WONTFIX
FIXME Still open?
FIXME Still a problem for funky modes and smaller captures? See
Note the SVN reprository is not public so there's no access to the next version until released. You can however request a copy of the latest snapshot and I'll happily send it :-).
All dates/times in this page are UTC.
  • vcs/docs/bugs.1267474154.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2010/03/01 20:09
  • by Toni Corvera